Goal: To help ensure food security and increase resilience among vulnerable households with children under 5 and women of childbearing age in Stung Treng
Project Objective:
1-To improve nutrition practices and access to health services for infants and young children under 5, as well as women of childbearing age.
2-To increase home-based production of nutritious food for families with young children under 5 through adapted farming and processing methods
3-To improve the water, hygiene and sanitary infrastructure and practices for vulnerable and marginalised households in the target communities.
4-Staff of the local project sponsor and provincial and district health authorities are able to independently carry out high-quality mother & child health and livelihood projects, and lobby the government to improve state services.
Key Activities Approach:
Nutrition component:
Conduct capacity building to WP project and HC staff in mother & child health
Capacity building to VHSG & parent leader on nutrition
Conduct community health promotion
Conduct mass screening to children under 5 years old
Referral SAM children and conduct community MAM rehabilitation
Livelihood Component:
Identify 700HH farmer
Training to 700 HH farmer on home garden both vegetable & Animal raising
Provide support to 600 household farmer to set up their home garden.
Training on food processing and support to HHs who have planning for their business
Identify key farmer and support them to improve their home garden
WASH Component:
Conduct CLTS re-triggering and post follow up to reach ODF villages
Raise awareness on hygiene practices through gender-responsive BCC with participation from both women and men
Construct 30 community well 1 community pond and 1 water pipe system
Provide water jar and water filter to 500 poor family to improve their drinking water
Provide latrine subsidy to 500 poor household to improve their sanitation.