STUNG TRENG Province, Cambodia-
Girls and boys, particularly the most vulnerable and marginalized, enjoy their rights to develop in a healthy, nurturing, and enabling environment
To improve access to quality, gender- responsive, and integrated ECCD services and home-based care for the most vulnerable girls and boys
To reduce the proportion of malnourished girls, boys, pregnant and lactating women through improving nutrition outcomes and food security
To increase hygiene practices and access to and use of safe water and gender- segregated sanitation facilities for girls and boys at home, in communities, and in schools
Key Activities:
ECCD Component:
Form parenting group who have children 0-5 years old and train them on ECCD
Conduct monthly parenting & father group on positive parenting
Construct community preschool & provide learning teaching matieral
Train to community preschool teacher 55 days on pre-service training to meet MoEYS minimum standards
Collaborate with POE/DOE conduct monitoring to preschool teacher
Advocated with commune council to allocate budget to support ECCD activities.
Nutrition Component:
Capacity building to Health Center on Nutrition
Conduct capacity building
Conduct community health promotion on Nutrition during pregnant and breastfeeding, Complementary feeding and child grow monitoring
Conduct mass screening to children under 5 years old
Referral SAM children to receive treatment and conduct community MAM rehabilitation
Livelihood Component:
Identify 252HH farmer and 48 Demo farmer
Training to HH farmer & Demo on home garden both vegetable & Animal raising
Provide support to household farmer to set up their home garden.
WASH Component:
Conduct CLTS re-triggering and post follow up to reach ODF villages
Raise awareness on hygiene practices through gender-responsive BCC with participation from both women and men
Promote WASH activity in 50 primary schools
Construct community well and water pipe system