Improving The Food and Nutrition Security and Resilience of Vulnerable Farming Household Project
Funded by BMZ through Word Vision Camabodia/ Banteay Meanchey Province
Stop migration and happy with farming is wording from one of a farmers to project recipient, ‘ please see story of change” .
Overall Goal: The food and nutrition security and resilience of vulnerable farming households in Banteay Meanchey province of Cambodia are strengthened.
**Project goal: **Vulnerable farming households in four districts of Banteay Meanchey province have improved their food security and resilience through the adoption of nutrition-sensitive and climate-adaptive agricultural practices, good nutrition habits, organization into agricultural cooperatives with improved market access, and strengthened community-based structures and strategies for disaster risk reduction and management.
1.The capacities of partner organizations SP and WP and key stakeholders are strengthened in relevant areas, including nutrition, livelihoods, and disaster preparedness and management.
2. Vulnerable farming households have improved knowledge and skills related to nutrition-sensitive and climate-adaptive agriculture.
3. Vulnerable households have improved knowledge and skills in good nutrition practices.
4. Vulnerable households are organized in agricultural cooperatives (AC), which have better access to agricultural markets.
5. The implementation of community-based disaster preparedness and management in the target communities is strengthened.