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The poverty line is defined by an intake of 2,200 calories per day or an income of $1 per day in rural areas and $1.50 in urban areas.

- UNICEF, 2016

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Cambodia's poor people number almost 4.8 million, and 90% of them are in rural areas, 80% of the country. Most depend on agriculture for their livelihoods, but at least 12% of poor people are landless. Small-scale farmers practice farming at the subsistence level, using traditional methods. Productivity is low.

- UNICEF, 2016

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Many who live rurally are denied basic rights to safe water, the dignity of using a toilet, and the simple practice of washing hands with soap. High occurrences of diarrhea, skin disease and respiratory illness cast a shadow over rural child health and in many cases, the result is death.

- UNICEF, 2016

People living in urban areas of the country have 3 times more access to proper sanitation than those living in rural and peri-urban areas. Diarrhea prevalence is 5 times higher in some regions than others with the rich having 5 times more access to toilets than the poor.

- UNICEF, 2016

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Despite recent progress, food security and education remain big issues in rural Cambodia. Young families, mothers, and children in poor villages lack the necessary knowledge, resources, or infrastructure to maintain a healthy standard of nutrition through food generation and consumption.

- World Food Programme, 2017.

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Remote locations in many districts across rural Cambodia lack access to preschool education. This is due to a lack of interest of qualified preschool teachers wanting to work in rural areas, a lack of preschool registration, and a lack of venues or construction of actual schools for classes to take place in.

-World Food Programme, 2017.


Preschools are critical for early stimulation. They foster the creative, intellectual and social development of young minds and has both immediate and long-term impacts on health, and how they learn and work. However, approximately 60% of Cambodian children under the age of six do not have access to early education.

- Plan International, 2016.